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Friday, January 2, 2009
American Robin
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Shelly (Robin)
Blog Archive
Golden Eagle
Bald Eagles
American Robin
Scrub Jay
Great Blue Heron
American Kestrel
Greater Yellowlegs
American Pipit
Canada Geese in a perfect V
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Northern Harrier
American Coots
Dark-eyed Junco
Marsh Wren
Mourning Dove
American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin
Varied Thrush
Northern Shoveler
American Robin
American Goldfinch
Great Horned Owl
American Kestrel
Common Goldeneye
Spotted Towhee
2009 Birds
189. Grasshopper Sparrow
188. Chipping Sparrow
187. Golden-crowned Kinglet
186. Harlequin Duck
185. Brewer's Sparrow
184. Upland Sandpiper
183. Western Wood-Pewee
182. Williamson's Sapsucker
181. MacGillivray's Warbler
180. Canyon Wren
179. Willow Flycatcher
178. Wilson's Snipe
177. Broad-tailed Hummingbird
176. Red-necked Phalarope
175. Black-crowned Night Heron
174. Red Knot
173. Vesper Sparrow
172. Virginia Rail
171. Semipalmated Plover
170. Gray Catbird
169. Marbled Godwit
168. Snowy Plover
167. Common Tern
166. Yellow-breasted Chat
165. Bobolink
164. Western Tanager
163. Warbling Vireo
162. Black-headed Grosbeak
161. Franklin's Gull
160. Long-billed Dowitcher
159. Loggerhead Shrike
158. Osprey
157. Violet-green Swallow
156. White-breasted Nuthatch
155. Gray Jay
154. Common Yellowthroat
153. Clark's Nutcracker
152. American Dipper
151. Hermit Thrush
150. House Wren
149. Black-bellied Plover
148. Brown-headed Cowbird
147. White-faced Ibis
146. Western Sandpiper
145. Western Grebe
144. Swainson's Hawk
143. Savannah Sparrow
142. Bullock's Oriole
141. Caspian Tern
140. Cattle Egret
139. Clark's Grebe
138. Cliff Swallow
137. Eastern Kingbird
136. Great Egret
135. Spotted Sandpiper
134. Gray Flycatcher
133. Solitary Sandpiper
132. Yellow Warbler
131. Black-chinned Hummingbird
130. Lazuli Bunting
129. Black-throated Gray Warbler
128. Forster's Tern
127. Western Kingbird
126. Bank Swallow
125. Tree Swallow
124. Horned Grebe
123. Orange-crowned Warbler
122. Harris's Sparrow
121. Common Loon
120. Ash-throated Flycatcher
119. Willet
118. Long-billed Curlew
117. Chukar
116. Burrowing Owl
115. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
114. Snowy Egret
113. Gadwall
112. Cinnamon Teal
111. Blue-winged Teal
110. Black-necked Stilt
109. Barn Swallow
108. Greater Scaup
107. Eared Grebe
106. Lesser Scaup
105. Brewer's Blackbird
104. Fox Sparrow
103. Wild Turkey
102. Red-breasted Merganser
101. Abert's Towhee
100. Northern Mockingbird
99. Gambel's Quail
98. Lucy's Warbler
97. Yellow-rumped Warbler
96. Say's Phoebe
95. Turkey Vulture
94. Western Bluebird
93. Rock Wren
92. Hairy Woodpecker
91. Red Crossbill
90. Rough-legged Hawk
89. Eurasian Wigeon
88. Ring-necked Pheasant
87. American White Pelican
86. Double-crested Cormorant
85. Common Merganser
84. Mountain Bluebird
83. Short-eared Owl
82. American Advocet
81. Sharp-shinned Hawk
80. Northern Goshawk
79. Bufflehead
78. Hooded Merganser
77. Northern Pintail
76. Ruddy Duck
75. Snow Goose
74. Downy Woodpecker
73. Cooper's Hawk
72. Yellow-headed Blackbird
71. Glaucous Gull
70. Sandhill Crane
69. California Quail
68. Ring-necked Duck
67. White-crowned Sparrow
66. Horned Lark
65. Redhead
64. Canvasback
63. Merlin
62. Herring Gull
61. Tundra Swan
60. Common Grackle
59. Barrow's Goldeneye
58. American Wigeon
57. Peregrine Falcon
56. Black-capped Chickadee
55. Black-capped Chickadee
54. Cedar Waxwing
53. Evening Grosbeak
52. Cassin's Finch
51. Mallard
50. Mountain Chickadee
49. White-winged Crossbil
48. Prairie Falcon
47. Golden Eagle
46. Townsend's Solitaire
45. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
44. Pygmy Nuthatch
43. Red-breasted Nuthatch
42. Great Blue Heron
41. Ferruginous Hawk
40. Greater Yellowlegs
39. American Coot
38. Rock Pigeon
37. Eurasian Collared-Dove
36. Red-tailed Hawk
35. Black-billed Magpie
34. Pied-billed Grebe
33. Canada Goose
32. Western Scrub-Jay
31. Dark-eyed Junco
30. American Goldfinch
29. House Sparrow
28. Pine Siskin
27. Mourning Dove
26. Lesser Goldfinch
25. House Finch
24. Western Meadowlark
23. Red-winged Blackbird
22. Song Sparrow
21. Spotted Towhee
20. American Pipit
19. European Starling
18. American Crow
17. American Robin
16. Marsh Wren
15. Common Raven
14. Northern Flicker
13. Great Horned Owl
12. California Gull
11. Ring-billed Gull
10. Ruff
9. Killdeer
8. American Kestrel
7. Northern Harrier
6. Bald Eagle
5. Common Goldeneye
4. Long-tailed Duck
3. Green-winged Teal
2. Northern Shoveler
1. Varied Thrush
Shelly Jane Blog Spot
Shelly Jane Photography
Utah Birds
Blue & Brown
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